南澳洲植物筆記 001.|Silky Tea-tree

作為系列文章的開頭,想先記錄一下分享的緣由,一來是個開場介紹,也是自己對於系列的期許。開始系統性地認識植物是從兩年前在南澳洲技職學校讀保育與土地管理時開始,也因為辨識課程曾製作了一系列的原生植物標本卡、走過幾個當地的國家公園跟自然保留區。等到從台灣回到這裡開始大學的課程,於Plant ID和Plant Systematics修課期間萌生了進行與植物有關的寫作想法,不僅介紹自己生活週遭的地方原生植物們,也寫下一些關於植物生態與演化的有趣概念。雖然不知道這樣一份植物筆記將會發展成什麼模樣,但希望它能讓更多人看見南澳洲的原生植物群像與故事。
還記得初次見到Silky Tea-tree時就被它一派優雅的白花吸引,襯著相對挺拔深綠的短小葉片特別迷人。與澳洲最具代表性的桉樹屬(Eucalyptus)同為桃金孃科的成員,Silky Tea-tree是南澳洲樹林跟海岸林地常見的林下灌木,未開花的時候幾乎融入周圍的樹景,但每年初春花期期間,到國家公園等地散步的話,絕對很難錯過滿叢盛開的Tea-tree,雪點般的透白花瓣四處紛飛。雖然中文譯名也稱為茶樹,但與一般提煉精油的澳洲茶樹的Melaluca alternifolia同科不同屬。有趣的是,根據澳洲國家植物園(Australian National Herbarium)的介紹[1],Silky Tea-tree俗名的由來是因為本屬下的幾種植物的葉子在殖民早期曾被用來作為茶葉的替代品,讓人不禁好奇曬乾了的葉子以熱水沖泡會是什麼樣的口感呢。
Silky Tea-tree(Leptospermum myrsinoides)小檔案
桃金孃科(Myrtaceae)松紅梅屬(Leptospermum),多年生灌木。於1874年由德國植物學家Diederich von Schloctendal命名。
花期約十月到十一月的Silky Tea-tree,主要由蠅類與蜂類傳遞花粉。花瓣白若雪片的中央是一個淺碟狀、被稱為hypanthium的半圓型構造,由花萼與花瓣的基部聚合而成,內側靠近表面的地方散布著許多分泌花蜜的組織,當授粉昆蟲前來享用這一小碗糖蜜的時候,身上便會沾滿沿著碗緣密佈生長的雄蕊所散播的花粉,是個十分有趣的花朵構造。
與其他桃金孃科的花朵一樣,Silky Tea-tree不僅有著數量繁多、大而顯眼的雄蕊,也採取兩階段花朵成熟的方式以提高花粉交換率,並降低自體授粉的可能[3]。花開初期,當率先成熟的雄蕊將花粉傳播出去的時候,位在花朵中間的雌蕊仍尚未熟成伸長,因此這時的花可以說是一朵雄花;等到雄蕊們已傳遞完花粉、開始回縮或掉落時,雌蕊便取而代之長至與雄蕊約同高的位置,開始接收花粉,讓原本作為雄花的花朵搖身一變,成為將要孕育種子的雌花。
Silky Tea-tree(Leptospermum myrsinoides)
Commonly called Silky tea-tree, Leptospermum myrsinoides is a perennial shrub endemic to south-eastern part of Australia, belonging to the same family Myrtaceae with the iconic Australian native plant genus Eucalyptus. Interestingly, according to the description of Australian National Herbarium, some members of the genus Leptospermum were used as substitutes for tea in the early colonisation period.
Its flowering season is normally around October to November and similar to other members in the family its floral shape consists of a specialised structure called ‘hypanthium’, which is a bowl-like semi circular unit that has nectar glands located near the inner surface of the flower acting as a nectar collecting point for attracting its insect pollinators. Moreover, to enhance the success of pollination species of Myrtaceae adopt a two-stage pollination strategy. At first, male parts of the bisexual flowers extend and mature to shed their pollens. Only when the anthers have retreated or dropped off after spreading pollens do the female parts of the flower begin to grow longer and start receiving incoming pollens from other individuals. It is a very clever to avoid self-pollination and therefore improves the efficiency of seed production. I found this very interesting and was fascinated by the ability of plants to adjust their reproductive methods to optimise the outcome!
參考資料 Reference
[1] Australian National Herbarium (2015) ‘Leptospermum — family Myrtaceae.’ Available at https://www.anbg.gov.au/leptospermum/ [Accessed 30 October 2020]
[2] Atlas of Living Australia (n.d.) ‘Leptospermum myrsinoides Schltdl.’ Available at https://bie.ala.org.au/species/https://id.biodiversity.org.au/node/apni/2921161 [Accessed 30 October 2020]
[3] O’Brien, S. P. and Calder, D. M. (1993). Reproductive biology and floral phenologies of the sympatric species Leptospermum myrsinoides and L. continentale (Myrtaceae). Australian journal of botany 41, 527–539.
[4] O’Brien, S. P. (1994). Andromonoecy and fruit set in Leptospermum myrsinoides and L. continentale (Myrtaceae). Australian journal of botany 42, 751–762.